5:09 AM
Surya to be directed by Sasikumar

TamilNext year Surya will be acting in a film to be directed by Sasikumar. Surya is currently acting in the film Singam 2 directed by Hari. After this, he will be acting in a film to be directed by Lingusamy. In between Venkat Prabhu has narrated a story to Surya.


It is understood that Surya was not impressed with that story. At this juncture, Sasikumar is very busy scripting for his next film. Sasikumar has decided to act in another film. This film will be directed by another director.

Sasikumar is indulging in story discussion while acting in this new film. He will not be acting in the film that he is directing. There is news that Surya will be donning the lead role in this film. Recently Sasikumar has met Surya and has spoken to him.

It is understood that both of them will join hands during the month of June 2013. Surya in the recent times has been acting in commercial films so he feels that it would be better if he acts in a film like Bala's film. Surya has also wanted a director who would complete the film in 6 months. Now it has come to light that the director is none than Sasikumar.


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